A. The difficulty to get up
Some of female students of Assalaam third Senior High School said that the difficulty of Subuh praying is caused by many factors:
1. Internal factor
Can not be lying that the part of female students in particular the female students from third Senior High School have hobby to sleep fused night. They sleep dissolved night is caused by the negative activity or positive activity. In the positive activity they study until dissolved night to finish their home work or assignment from the teacher. In negative activity the students doing something which is not benefit like storing something, someone and talking about something is not useful. When they talking about something they remembered that they used a long time to talk something is not benefit.
Some of female students of third Senior High School answered that internal factor is lazy which caused them don’t want to get up at fajar time.
Some of female students tell that the difficulty to get up at fajar time it caused unperfected sleeping, it means some of them slept earlier but they don’t plan to get up at fajar time then they remember to pray before sleeping and not doing activity which was sampled by Rasulullah the causes of it slept.
2. External factor
From the external factor the female students to get up late at the fajar time is the impact of their circles. If they have good friends they will be good person but if they have bad friends they will be bad person. The external factor is very influence in the activity to get up at fajar time. So to consistent on good activity, we must strong to keep something which on our self and find friends who bring us to the goodness.
The easily to get up at Fajar time
The meaning was explained on the first line that getting up in the fajar time is so difficult if we haven’t awareness to support this good activity. But to get up at fajar time is something which it is easily for the person who was habitual.
Some of the female students of third Senior High School to get up easily but if some of them are gotten up. This matter which still planted in female students if haven’t controlled from their teacher, they feel that is not obligate to get up at fajar time, exactly they stay to sleep on their bed and in fact of they haven’t regretting about what they do. This phenomenon is so missing because some time the teacher is having some work and can not controlling and then nothing persons in the mosque to pray jamaah.
Some of female students of third Senior High School talked of factor and habit to get up early was saved on their memory because this was habited Someone needs some helping to aware consistent to get up at fajar time to pray Subuh in the Masjid.
The easily to get up without gotten up.
Like we research that at the first chapter was explained that many phenomena at getting up at Subuh. The female students rarely to use this habit, only a little part of female students of third class are without gotten up with something else. Firstly habiting to get up early is so difficult, need some commitment with good planning so that our self have some good habiting to get up Subuh on time. The person who has good habiting is someone who has good time management.
2. The activity of female students of third class after getting up
Some of female students of third class that I interview or is inspected, their activity after getting up at subuh or after the teacher controls are sleeping again because of them waiting to go to bath room to take ablution. At the time they are still sleepy. Sleeping after getting up is phenomena causes of them praying jamaah late, although if they get up at the sun rise, that is unconscious become to some phenomena which is difficulty to be lost. Retno Kurniasih answered that the activity of female students of third senior high school after getting up is hang up on the their bed 50%, 30% sleeping again, 20% forward to stand up and take ablution.
The late of female for subuh praying is causes waiting their friends and after that they road slowly although iqamah was heard. It is some of all phenomena after getting up on subuh time
1.The habit of subuh praying of female students of third senior high school
At the beginning meddle in third senior high school; they still have little consideration from female students of third senior high school about praying on time, especially at Subuh praying. Because on the second senior high school, they habited with their opinion to be manager arbitrarily because they considered that they are leader.
At the time they starting to realize that so important to pray jamaah on time in masjid, about 50% has done although with every way in the meanwhile gotten up by the teacher, remind between their friends and turn on the watch.
The support factor:
Self consideration
With the high self consideration from each of female students about the important of subuh praying if doing to the masjid, it will appear some good consideration. It the beginning to good consideration will appear good character. The follow some of people who starting good consideration to pray subuh in masjid at the subuh praying to train self discipline and time discipline. In other wise some of good consideration can refresh body and spiritual.
The approach our self to Allah
At the third senior high school, the female students started some etiquette which is so strong, it is close our self to Allah, although much some reward which is required The reward whom they want are swift to the test, to easy from tahfidzul Qur’an. Because at the subuh time the air is so fresh and not some pollution from the vehicles, they can learn by heart of holy book so easy. At the subuh time, our brain is so pure and fresh; it is time exactly to learn Al-Qur’an. At the time we can approach our self to Allah because Allah misses all his servants who believe Him and approach Him.
Going to masjid is a regulation
First, because we are female students so our obligation is going to the masjid to pray jamaah. Second, we must obligate all of rules in Assalaam. In the first time, it is so difficult but some times, it makes our self discipline and causing our self to be good person. The rules must be obeyed so our obligation and do it. But some of female students who explained that go to the masjid just for writing list in the student department office (Retno). This is just for requisition to come out from Assalaam on holiday (Ayu). Go to masjid is some necessity because we are Moslem (Aristiana). From my imitation go to masjid is some of female students not including sincere go to masjid because they feel that it’s some fact of being forced.
2.The paradigm of female students of third senior high school about time coincidentally at subuh praying
The first paradigm which is implicit about time coincidentally at the subuh praying, it is some rules and we must do it (Retno). In other word, the opinion from Aristiana it is some rules not obligation and then if we don’t like it, we must not do it. The opinion from Ayu, subuh praying is merit resources because in this time Allah promised some reward for us if we do it.
If we know that subuh praying have many superiority, we are definite do it, and our negative paradigm. If negative paradigm lost from our self certainly will appear positive paradigm to pray subuh on time not only to obey the rules but also to do some Moslem obligation. The positive paradigm is so benefit to our self because it makes good person and makes our brain always have a positive thinking.
In other word, the female students of third senior high school are of certain opinion that goes to masjid just to look some one whom they loved or just study. Go to masjid just to look for a good name. If they have a good name, they will do what they want, because the manager and the teacher believed them.
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