Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Classroom Talk (part I)

Calming down the class

Calm down everyone …!
= Tolong tenang semuanya...

Calm down everybody …!
= Tolong tenang anak-anak ..!

Calm down please ...!
= Tolong tenang ..!

May I have your attention, please ?
= Bisa minta perhatiannya ..?

Attention, please ..!
= perhatikah !

Pay attention, please ..
= perhatikan

Keep silent everybody …!
= Tenang semuanya !

Be quiet, please !!
= Tenanglah !

Don’t make noise please !
= Jangan bikin gaduh !

Don’t be noisy please ..!
= Jangan berisik!

Good ..!
Good question!

Great ..!
Great job!

That’s good ..!
That’s good answer!

That’s great ..!
That’s perfect ..!
Good answer …!
Well done ..!
Well done, Aisya! That's an excellent work.

Ask to do something
Open your book on page ….!
Clean the board please !
Do the exercise on page ….!
Prepare one piece of paper, write down your name and student number ….!
Put your pen / pencil ..!
Submit your work / hand in your work / collect your work..!
Repeat after me ..!
Take a note ..! Be careful …!
Do by yourself / yourselves ..!

(Use Vo in front of the sentence)

Can you _____ ? Can you read first paragraph, please?
Could you ____ ?
Will you _____ ?
Would you ____ ?
Would you mind _____ ?

Giving advice or suggestion
You should ______ You should do your home work after school!
You had better ____
It’s better for you to ____
You ought to ____
Why don’t you ______ ?

(Many thanks to Mr Sular)