Selasa, 03 Maret 2009

What is a Supernova?

In terms of language word supernova consists of the word "super" and "Nova" the meaning of super based on the super dictionary "Collins Cobuild Advanced Leaner's Dictionary" which means something in life to identify the quality and very much. And word “nova” based on dictionary words " Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English of ", which means a star that exploded and suddenly become brighter than normal for a short time. While supernova is a term stars explode because it ran out of fuels used to make nuclear fusion reaction that is a proponent of a star. Balancing their own pressure to exit from the style pull the mass large. Supernova energy that emanated with the stars during a broadcast to millions of billions of years.

For some types of astronomy supernova used to observe about the distance or the age of a galaxy. The explosion, which each stars which had it will be different each other, depending on the initial mass before the explosion. If the big, it will be possible occurrence of a black hole that can absorb everything around it, and opposite it if the explode star is tiny will a neutron star.

Supernova can also destroy life around, although the distance is very far, this has happened in the earth around the year 444 million years ago, namely in the Ordovician period, is due to gamma rays produced by the explosion of supernova impact to earth, although supernova affected 10 seconds will make the earth I hasn’t a layer atmosphere for ten years. Therefore, at the end of that era lives on the plains to be destroyed, and life at sea remain intact. But the massive variable star Eta Carinae that narrow with our galaxy may be preparing to explode as a giant supernova, cause it thought 100 times the mass of sun. It is currently shedding its outer layer in giant eruptions, and the surround galaxy like Milky Way, Andromeda can destroy.

B.The types of Supernova explosion

Divided into two perspectives, if the first is viewed from the line that indicates the spectrum of harmful chemical also contained temperatures during the explosion and the way the stars themselves explode, discussions as follows:

1.Based on spectrum line

Type 1a

It is an explosion of a star that has evolved with the information or called white dwarfs stars and not make nuclear fusion, but generally is a blend between the carbon-oxygen even release more energy when the temperature increases.
The explosion is divided into two mechanisms from two mechanisms of the star system, the first is the system of white dwarf stars with stars like sun, due to gravity white dwarf star, is bigger than material of solar size sun, so the material is absorbed then from this absorption exceeding the limit value (constant) Chandrasekhar or have exceeded the maximum limit of white dwarf stars.

Rays are produced from this type is very bright, also a measuring tool for astronomy to measure the distance and age of a galaxy known as the candle light in the darkness outside space. From the observation that the progress of the explosion would produce a supernova thermonuclear explosion.

In the second mechanism is derived from the pair of white dwarf stars that are merging with the radiation gravity will draw from time to time. In other words, the star will move diaphragm one another and eventually join. Due to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 times the mass sun), the pressure in the center will reach the threshold limit for carbon and oxygen nuclei to start the controlled burning is not on and the blast become begining of occurence trigger thermonuclear explosion, and in the explosion is not found the Hydrogen spectrum line during observation.

Type 1b

Supernova this type will occur if the supply of Hydrogen on the star 20 times or more from the mass of the sun with a star called Wolf rayet, the result of this explosion can be gamma rays.
And during the observation in this type of supernova is not found hydrogen or helium spectrum line.

Type 2
This explosion came from a star explosion the mass is eight times greater than the sun, the energy produced from fusion Hydrogen to helium produce heat in the core star. The pressure that occur in the star's core function to compensate for balancing with its gravitation.

This giant star also known as the hydrostatic Equilibrium gravity where the stars can be balanced with the pressure in core of the star.

Helium accrued during millions of years in a star if the stars do not have enough temperature to do helium fusion and when hydrogen empty cause pressure to the core become weaken, can not result in longer maintain the gravity again. Then the star increase the temperature and begin the stages to doing explosion.

In a star similar to the two-time merger-carbon, which is slightly after the fall core, will increase the temperature which allows it to react again, so that the fusion of carbon reaction both those elements, heavy iron.

Because supernova element is the explosion occurred due to the elements iron cannot make the atoms in star, so that it cannot fusion reactions, consequently, the addition of a very high temperature will cause a supernova explosion. In this observation from the explosion appeared to be a line Hydrogen spectrum.

G.Based on Explosion Mechanism

Classification of supernova based on star energy source:

A.Supernova Thermonuclear
It is an explosion of a tiny star. The Star has many additional layer of from near star in binary star system, originating from the star with advance envolve or white dwarf star, comes from the double-star system (binary system), are not leaving any material from the explosion and the energy for burning comes from carbon and oxygen. It is estimated (star) the sun will experience this process for embraced billion future years because the sun will become a white dwarf star that density density is 1.5 higher than sun and has a measurement of earth size.

This explosion equal supernova explosion type 1a, a reference to the theory expanding universe because the resulted light very bright than the other supernova explosion.

B. Supernova "Collapsed Core"
The explosion came from difference stars from supernova thermonuclear, is as follows: originating from the star which has large mass, comes from big star layer and srill burning hydrogen inside, derived from a single star system (the same as supernova explosion type 2) and from the system binary (same as supernova explosion type 1b/1c ), the result of the explosion is a material that is solid black holes and neutron stars, and explosion comes from the way pressure.

The shape of the hypernova explosion (explosion greater than ordinary supernova), due to have a very large mass (100 times the mass of the sun). The explosion of this type of star will become a black hole.

D. Supernova Observation
In recorded history that the early commencement of research from supernova came from Chinese history and Korean. Supernova 186 BC is the first documentation in the observated supernova in the Milky Way. Supernova, which occurred in the year 1006 M is probably the most bright of the ever, shine entire galaxy for several months from the explosion.

Supernova happen in the year 1054 M is one of supernova, which can be observed directly by the astronomy in the Arab and Chinese, leaving a remnant debris shaped crab nebula. Supernova Tycho Brahe, which occurred on 11 November 1572 was found by a astronomer Tycho Brahe comes from the French who became one of the defenders of the solar system by creating a tool instrument called a solar system astrolabe from the results of the observations of an object that is getting more light to be views on the day with a description of fact that overlap Venus blogosphere, and then calls them the "Nova" and the rays from the star is the more overcast until March 1574, and the word "Nova" a term for the explosion of a star.

When stars explode, the shining can increase hundred untill thousan brighter than normal (before the explosion). brightness maximum occurred hours and can count on overcast days the next.

Supernova the Tycho Brahe carefully is the type 1a popular with the bright. Johannes Kepler Supernova occurred about 1,604 years old. Supernova 1572 and 1604 is the last supernova can be seen with the naked eye near the Milky Way galaxy.
Progress since then the tool telescopes stars on the year 1885 may see the astronomical Andromeda supernova explosion that occurred in the Andromeda galaxy. And for the next in the 20th century astronomy can be classifying the explosion supernova also the development of stars from nebula until supernova.

Supernova 1987A supernova explosion, which is found by the first space telescope (Hubble telescope) and this supernova become the first that can be recorded and learned, supernova is a distance of 170,000 light years from earth the explosion are in the cloud Megallanic which can be seen from the southern hemisphere, surprising that many researchers from the results of research from the explosion is among others: supernova specrtrum line has become a sign of the supernova explosion type 2 but in the center of supernova, there is a blue star on the last picture is not the form of red giant stars that are usually on supernova this type. And also from the explosion has not produced the remnants, which usually form neutron stars or black holes of the facts there until further research until now.

SN 1994D, which comes from the explosion of a star is very far distance from the earth, this happens from the outside galaxy NGC 4526, the ray speread during a week after the explosion, the explosion marks the type 1a.

SN 2006gy, which in supernova is found by students in Texas, this supernova is the largest ever observed even astronomy NASA says the explosion is hundreds of times more powerful than the supernova explosion normally up to now, It's 240 million years from earth, according to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said this supernova occurred during 70 days, but exceptions to this explosion in the type of supernova explosion collapsed core, which comes from the big stars also produce large explosion and also if the mass of the remaining 2 / 3 before its explosion it will generate a black hole, but the remnant of the explosion SN 2006gy not indicate the existence of black holes, with the explosion of such astronomer Dave Pooley of the university in Berkeley California will occur in the star eta carinae a distance of 7,500 light years from earth.

Supernova 2008D is supernova explosion, which was first discovered by detection x-ray, using x-ray telescope Swift outer space objects that this explosion is located in the spiral galaxy NGC 2770 a distance of about 90 light years from the constellation Lynx. Supernova inventor of this Alicia Soderberg from Princeton University, New Jersey, U.S., along with colleagues, Edo Berger of the Carnegie Observatory, California

Supernova Explosion

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding"

Alqur'an verse above is a description of the person who had knowledge that can take a lesson from what is happening around us, or more precisely on the creation of universe and the earth that can be used as a means to approach him with self aware cause we is nothing front the creator, and also in this new era using religious proselytizing with enclose the fact about universe and relate it in Al-qur'an, will more effective than the habitually in dakwah.

In the universe is scattered stars or other objects, which is set in such a way by the omniscient creator, which began from the explosion of the Big Bang theory as the most accepted as the beginning of the first creation of this universe is estimated to occur 13.7 billion years ago, and the universe will continue to grow at a time will deflating such as balloon, as American astronomer Edwin Hubble, also with the universe. Based on research with the distance between the galaxies is a sign of the universe.

And among developers is the cause of the explosion or supernova can call in with supernovae, the event is the death of a star in the absence of "fuel" as the materials used to make nuclear fusion reactions, as a star endorser. How explode stars some process that resulted from the detonation stars, not all stars may be the final stage of this because the stars who will stage this is a massive star (a giant-sized) or the mass 8 times more than the mass of the sun.

And after the explosion it will be scattered materials that will form a new star or planet or galaxy for a long period for humans, so there was a recycling of life from the stars that gradually became nebula, proto-star, red giant stars, the super-giant, and then there was that supernova will then generate new material for the occurrence of nebula.

Praying Subuh among Students of SMA Assalaam

A. The difficulty to get up

Some of female students of Assalaam third Senior High School said that the difficulty of Subuh praying is caused by many factors:

1. Internal factor
Can not be lying that the part of female students in particular the female students from third Senior High School have hobby to sleep fused night. They sleep dissolved night is caused by the negative activity or positive activity. In the positive activity they study until dissolved night to finish their home work or assignment from the teacher. In negative activity the students doing something which is not benefit like storing something, someone and talking about something is not useful. When they talking about something they remembered that they used a long time to talk something is not benefit.

Some of female students of third Senior High School answered that internal factor is lazy which caused them don’t want to get up at fajar time.

Some of female students tell that the difficulty to get up at fajar time it caused unperfected sleeping, it means some of them slept earlier but they don’t plan to get up at fajar time then they remember to pray before sleeping and not doing activity which was sampled by Rasulullah the causes of it slept.

2. External factor
From the external factor the female students to get up late at the fajar time is the impact of their circles. If they have good friends they will be good person but if they have bad friends they will be bad person. The external factor is very influence in the activity to get up at fajar time. So to consistent on good activity, we must strong to keep something which on our self and find friends who bring us to the goodness.

The easily to get up at Fajar time
The meaning was explained on the first line that getting up in the fajar time is so difficult if we haven’t awareness to support this good activity. But to get up at fajar time is something which it is easily for the person who was habitual.

Some of the female students of third Senior High School to get up easily but if some of them are gotten up. This matter which still planted in female students if haven’t controlled from their teacher, they feel that is not obligate to get up at fajar time, exactly they stay to sleep on their bed and in fact of they haven’t regretting about what they do. This phenomenon is so missing because some time the teacher is having some work and can not controlling and then nothing persons in the mosque to pray jamaah.

Some of female students of third Senior High School talked of factor and habit to get up early was saved on their memory because this was habited Someone needs some helping to aware consistent to get up at fajar time to pray Subuh in the Masjid.

The easily to get up without gotten up.
Like we research that at the first chapter was explained that many phenomena at getting up at Subuh. The female students rarely to use this habit, only a little part of female students of third class are without gotten up with something else. Firstly habiting to get up early is so difficult, need some commitment with good planning so that our self have some good habiting to get up Subuh on time. The person who has good habiting is someone who has good time management.

2. The activity of female students of third class after getting up
Some of female students of third class that I interview or is inspected, their activity after getting up at subuh or after the teacher controls are sleeping again because of them waiting to go to bath room to take ablution. At the time they are still sleepy. Sleeping after getting up is phenomena causes of them praying jamaah late, although if they get up at the sun rise, that is unconscious become to some phenomena which is difficulty to be lost. Retno Kurniasih answered that the activity of female students of third senior high school after getting up is hang up on the their bed 50%, 30% sleeping again, 20% forward to stand up and take ablution.

The late of female for subuh praying is causes waiting their friends and after that they road slowly although iqamah was heard. It is some of all phenomena after getting up on subuh time

1.The habit of subuh praying of female students of third senior high school

At the beginning meddle in third senior high school; they still have little consideration from female students of third senior high school about praying on time, especially at Subuh praying. Because on the second senior high school, they habited with their opinion to be manager arbitrarily because they considered that they are leader.

At the time they starting to realize that so important to pray jamaah on time in masjid, about 50% has done although with every way in the meanwhile gotten up by the teacher, remind between their friends and turn on the watch.

The support factor:
Self consideration
With the high self consideration from each of female students about the important of subuh praying if doing to the masjid, it will appear some good consideration. It the beginning to good consideration will appear good character. The follow some of people who starting good consideration to pray subuh in masjid at the subuh praying to train self discipline and time discipline. In other wise some of good consideration can refresh body and spiritual.

The approach our self to Allah
At the third senior high school, the female students started some etiquette which is so strong, it is close our self to Allah, although much some reward which is required The reward whom they want are swift to the test, to easy from tahfidzul Qur’an. Because at the subuh time the air is so fresh and not some pollution from the vehicles, they can learn by heart of holy book so easy. At the subuh time, our brain is so pure and fresh; it is time exactly to learn Al-Qur’an. At the time we can approach our self to Allah because Allah misses all his servants who believe Him and approach Him.

Going to masjid is a regulation
First, because we are female students so our obligation is going to the masjid to pray jamaah. Second, we must obligate all of rules in Assalaam. In the first time, it is so difficult but some times, it makes our self discipline and causing our self to be good person. The rules must be obeyed so our obligation and do it. But some of female students who explained that go to the masjid just for writing list in the student department office (Retno). This is just for requisition to come out from Assalaam on holiday (Ayu). Go to masjid is some necessity because we are Moslem (Aristiana). From my imitation go to masjid is some of female students not including sincere go to masjid because they feel that it’s some fact of being forced.

2.The paradigm of female students of third senior high school about time coincidentally at subuh praying
The first paradigm which is implicit about time coincidentally at the subuh praying, it is some rules and we must do it (Retno). In other word, the opinion from Aristiana it is some rules not obligation and then if we don’t like it, we must not do it. The opinion from Ayu, subuh praying is merit resources because in this time Allah promised some reward for us if we do it.

If we know that subuh praying have many superiority, we are definite do it, and our negative paradigm. If negative paradigm lost from our self certainly will appear positive paradigm to pray subuh on time not only to obey the rules but also to do some Moslem obligation. The positive paradigm is so benefit to our self because it makes good person and makes our brain always have a positive thinking.

In other word, the female students of third senior high school are of certain opinion that goes to masjid just to look some one whom they loved or just study. Go to masjid just to look for a good name. If they have a good name, they will do what they want, because the manager and the teacher believed them.

Praying Jamaah

Pray together praying which so ray from the Prophet. Deeding obligatory not perfect if doing self in fact of this attitude are indication hypocrite are the most obvious are said from the friends from Prophet Ibnu Mas’ud “No persons who difference pray jamaah without hypocrite persons who clear his hypocrite”.

That truth pray jamaah (congregation) is way perfect to start together sturdy, because all persons who rukuk and sujud to Allah all persons will be bend down one direction and just say The Name of Allah, one Illah. When they pray on back the leader of communal player, they stand up in one close ranks, so they will forget with their world material, they sujud to Allah are servants, there is not who so high, their head and there is not the best face, Imam Muslim story in his shahih from Abi Hurairah, He said Rasullullah said:

Generally praying is so important for our life, especially pray jamaah with high class and it use which so high, and so Islam very defects to persons who forget praying.

Praying Subuh

Fajar use for meaning Subuh pray because Subuh pray contents of chapter something which consist of what must we do. The meaning of Subuh pray from Syar’I is praying which is first must Moslem do on the fajar time everyday which enter this time when second sunrise coming (Fajar Shodiq) but Falaq knowledge ( Astronomy ) the meaning of Subuh Pray is sometime to pray between twilight and sunrise.

To clean the definition Shubhu (Subuh) in the last praying word which the purpose from hadits which the first meaning because it is obligatory praying. This means from the prominent praying Fajar which is from Hadits. The word of fajar involve to mean Subuh Pray because consist of chapter from (Tasmiyatu ‘sy – syuibilazimihi) about meaning Subuh which is from “Shobbuha – Yashbuhu ishbahan wa shobihan “and Shobuha I – Wajhu from this meaning is face which are ray and capture. But Al – Ishbah is morning time Subuh. Subuh was made from the word Shubhah because it is bundling between white and red like someone who has white skin. That word from Shobih or Ashbah.

Subuh praying is pray very important in one day because if we are not pray Subuh in one day we feel so bad and then our daily life in a mess. Why Subuh pray so important for Muslim life because first it is noble time, second it is first time, third it is remember time.

If we like Rasulullah life, Subuh praying is first daily life and night is first time to rest, Insya Allah is not for mistake. Not for problem in our life if we do Sunnatullah or in Al-Quran.

1. The punishment to someone who forgets to pray Subuh
Usually we sleep and we can’t pray Subuh when it’s out of the time with sun rise and without doing something which important is big sin. If we do it, we fall in to bad work and in fact of we go to hell except we repent to Allah. Allah acceptances our repenting or pardon from Allah.

But some one who was sleepiness until do not praying Subuh on time and this is not his daily life, is not sin for him. The pen to write bad work is lifted from some one who sleeps until he wakes up. Sleeping is not important for our life but praying and repent to Allah is very important because our sustaining principal, Allah who knows when we dead. We must obligate praying to Allah every time and every where. And we must aware to pray Subuh on time.

Imam Al-Bukhori and Muslim story from Anas that the Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H said: “If any person forget (doing) pray or sleep from it, he should do it if he remembers it. From the other story say: “If some one from our sleeps (do) pray or forgets to pray, he should do it if he remembers
Allah said “Verily, I am Allah: There is no god but I: So serve thou Me (Only), and establish regular prayer for celebrating”. (Thaahaa [20]:14).

Prophet Mohammad stories to his member. The Prophet and His friendship were slept from Subuh praying. When they waked up the sun rise was saw from east. Then they prayed with together with starting azan and iqamat after over time.

Abdullah bin Abu Qatadah storing from his father that some night Prophet with his friendship doing some work to road. Several person breaks to rest.

The Prophet said: “I afraid you deliberate sleeping from praying, Bilal says: “I will wake up to you”. And then they sleep and Bilal too. Then the Prophet wake up when at the sun was rise, Alas Bilal! Where is which you were said? The Prophet said “I did not sleep like that, Bilal answered. The prophet said: As were those that Allah was handful your soul at Allah wants and backed it at Allah wants. Alas Bilal! Standing up and yelling all persons to pray. The prophet cleans his body. And the sun so high and He prays.

2. The Limited time to pray Subuh
Subuh praying is actually obligatory praying which are little its rakaat, just two rakaat. But, it becomes standard faith some one and examination honestly, because this time so narrow.

The time from Pray is the problem which it character tauqifiyyah (standard). The meaning, fixing about when the time to pray not only Ijtihad persons, but also was fixed with standard and detail on the hadits from the Prophet.

Story from Abdullah Bin Amru Bin Al- Ash that the Prophet said: “The time to pray Subuh from fajar rise until sun rise.”(HR.Muslim). such there isn’t hesitant about the limited time to pray Subuh. The Prophet clears this meaning on some hadits from Abu Hurairah, when He said: “If any persons who can one rakaat Subuh pray before sun rise, so he prayed Subuh (HR.At-Tirmidzi).

Some one who pray Subuh after Sun rise, so he did not his obligatory which is standard from Allah.

Many Things to Memorize for SMA Assalaam's Students

Prospective of Assalaam Senior High School

Senior High School is continuation of Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Madrasah Takhasusiyah, with educational years during 3 years to regular class and 2 years to acceleration class. Assalaam Senior High School is standing in the year 1989 this use departmental curriculum education of national with addition at problem of religion and bilingual, that is Arabic language and English language. Assalaam Senior High School have obtained status accredit A by Body Accreditation School (BAS) Province Central Java since 2004.

Besides regular program, Assalaam Senior High School also have acceleration program learn that program is giving opportunity to student / certain schoolgirl to finish education in Assalaam Senior High School during 2 years, started in the year teaching 2006 / 2007.
In the year teaching 2007 / 2008, Assalaam Senior High School send 4 student as participant of transfer of student to United States during 1 year pass program of AFS-YES the which transfer of this student take place during 4 year partakes since year 2003 hitherto.

Memorizing items in Assalaam Senior High School
The 3rd Class of Assalaam Senior High School consists of 2 majors study. These are majors of Natural Sciences and Social Science. Where these majors have been started since 2nd class of Assalaam Senior High School. With existence of these majors, the female students of the 3rd class of Assalaam Senior High School accept different lesson as according to taken majors. All same given lesson, except part of it self majors.

The female students of 3rd Class of Assalaam Senior High School have 20 subjects of majors Natural Science and also Social Science. Among got subject there are memorizing subjects. By memorizing these items, the female students can accept the lessons better. That memorizing subjects for example:
a. Biology (Natural Science)
b. Geography (Social Science)
c. Sociology (Social Science)
d. History
e. Education of five principle and civic
f. Aqidah
g. Akhlaq
h. Turuqutta’lim
i. Tarikh Islam
j. Fiqih
k. Memorizing of Al-Quran
l. Memorizing of Hadits

With many substance to memorize in less than 1 year, the female students of the 3rd class of Assalaam Senior High School demand to have a memorize system efficiently and effectively.

How to Memorizing

According to Jean Marie Stine, memorizing can be differentiated to become 2 there are:
Short term memorize
If there is something that wish to be memorized by memory on short term, hence suggested to memorize at morning because part of brain which save memory short-range at morning more efficient about 15%.

Long term memorize
If there is something that wish to be memorized by memory on a long term, hence suggested memorizing day time because part of tired memory bank its top in the day time.

According to AM Rukky Santoso memorize is forming of piracy of brain in order not to think creative and band exit. Piracy of this brain its meaning memorize with mechanical pattern and tend to passively. If memorizing with right brain, meaning to discharge from compulsion think systematic and mechanical. To start memorizing with right brain, have to start from own self. This pattern has to be taught peculiarly and do not be mixed by memorizing having the character of rational left brain pattern.

Brain and It's Parts

1.Definition of The Brain

A brain is a necessary organ for human life. Attendance of the brain as vital organ in human, being body represent big award which impossible to contest by any thing made in human being. Though the human science and technology from time to time compete with the brain, but hitherto it is not efficacy near 1% from entire the sophisticated brain system. Whereas research get result of analysis expressing that human being during its life possible exploit only at most 10% from total ability of the brain supported by 30 billion cell and neuron.

The brain’s position become indivisible part of human life and even determines it’s life or dead status. Someone which its body falls to pieces and dying, comma, not yet will be expressed death by clinics when in data of electroencephalograph (EEG) of their brain still have pulse. When its brain has no longer present frequency vibration at certain times, which mean brain frequency and its mind have resided in dot 0 and only presenting just contour line in screen of EEG, this moment the people expressed death by clinics.

When human wish to comprehend its brain and get optimal furthermore later the ability of its brain, then it have to comprehend the brain frequency. Frequency is basic discussion thing in regarding of the brain. Brain nor possible off hand cut or repaired as also to a broken finger. In the brain there are billion cell and neuron joining complicatedly and then in its entirety attributed to brain bar to part of human being backbone to give command of life for moment to moment.

One of the comprehending brain frequency method is by feeling and arranging breathing way. The breathe as source of input of energy conducive especial of human being pass off life, sure also will correlate directly with part of brain requiring oxygen from time to time. Brain not possible to work without oxygen brought by blood into its system. Air and oxygen is brain fuel to continue beat and transmit frequency.

2.Part of The Brain

By biologic term, brain divided in three big parts consisting of left brain, right brain, and small brain or subconscious brain. Every part have specific duty and it’s characteristic. At the brain there are billion cells which forming three parts above. Every part of this cell also forms complicated cooperation through shares other small is so-called neuron. And as a whole cell cooperation network and of neuron this has never called it day for a lifetime human being. This is a sophisticated activity network that goes on continuously as long as life and not possible to contest by any technology is which have been created by human being.

a.The left brain
Representing part of commissioned brain thinks cognitively and rational. This part have typical characteristic which have the character of logically like mathematical, annalistic, realistic, vertical, quantitative, intellectual, objective, and control the motion part of right side body.

b.The right brain
Part of brain thinking by affective and relational. It owns character like qualitative, impulsive, spiritual, holistic, emotional, artistic, creative, subjective, symbolic, imaginative, stimulant, intuitive, and control motion part of left side body.

c.The small brain or subconscious brain
Undertake like recorder machine entire occurrence that goes on life. Part of this brain also will record accepted science subconsciously and mean do not recorded in part of rational brain. This brain also can overcome sudden events.
3.Difference between the Left Brain and the Right Brain.

According to Daniel H. Pink difference between left brain and right brain shall be as follows:
a.Right brain control part of body left side, left brain control part of body right side.
If moving or using part of body right side, hence by then also laboring left shares brain. So also if moving or using part of body left side, hence by then also brain part of laboring right. And if doing activity moving or using part of body right side and left concurrently, hence both splitting left and right brain is also work concurrently (well-balanced).

b.Right brain has the character of stimulant, left brain have the character of successively.
Left brain process voice and symbol alternately and when reading sentence, left brain will find meaning each letter, each syllable, each word which underway. Left brain can recognize events which its elements happened alternately and control behavioral sequences. Left brain include activities of verbal like talking, comprehending word of others, reading, and writing. While right brain cleft can to interpret something by stimulant. Right brain major at seeing objects at the same time that is seeing all part of geometric form and comprehend its for, or see at all of element from a situation and comprehend its meaning.

c.Right brain major at context, left brain major at text.
Left brain give attention to what told, however right brain cleft focused how which told that is signals of non verbal which oftentimes submitted emotional through view, expression, face, and intonation.

d.Right brain able to see in entire perspective, left brain comprehend at details
Left brain join in information analysis, can focused at one particular categories and can comprehend details of. However right brain majored in collecting separate elements to comprehend something instantly, and only just right brain cleft able to see in perspectives entirety something.
Converse about left and right brain cleft separately, basically is two brain cleft designed to work together, same as one soft unity, single, and in wrought in one intact brain. Left brain cleft knows how to face logic and right brain cleft know about world. Joining both and someone will get one awful idea machine. However in this paper, writer will only study just using the right brain to memorize.